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At Heritage Foundation: Introducing Lela Gilbert’s Saturday People, Sunday People

Event, July 19:

Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner

Saturday People Sunday People CoverLong fascinated by the land of Israel, Lela Gilbert arrived there on a personal pilgrimage in August 2006 – in the midst of a raging war. In Saturday People, Sunday People, she offers a unique portrait of Israel as seen through the eyes of a Christian who came for a visit and has stayed on for more than six years. While most people see Israel as an abstraction centering on international conflicts of epic proportions, Gilbert reflects on the vibrant country that she found – a story of the real Israel and of real Israelis.
Gilbert weaves together not only a memoir of her experiences, but also a rich account of past and present events that continue to shape the lives of Israelis and the world beyond their borders. Included is a story that has all but vanished into history: the persecution and pogroms that drove more than 850,000 Jews from Muslim lands between 1948 and 1970 – the “Forgotten Refugees.” Their experience is now repeating itself among Christian communities in the same region – a cruel pattern that embodies the Islamist slogan calling for the elimination of “first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”

Lela Gilbert is a free-lance writer and editor and an Adjunct Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Included among her previous books are: Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians (co-authored, Thomas Nelson, 2013), Blind Spot: When Journalists Don’t Get Religion (co-authored, Oxford University Press, 2008), and Baroness Cox: Eyewitness to a Broken World (Lion-Hudson, 2007). She is a contributor to numerous news publications including the Jerusalem Post, The Weekly Standard, Jewish World Review, and National Review Online (NRO).

Link to original story.
